What counts as an EMERGENCY?
The following is a list of the top 20 most urgent conditions where your pet would require emergency veterinary attention.
- Severe bleeding or bleeding that doesn’t stop within 5 minutes.
- Choking, difficulty breathing or non-stop coughing and gagging.
- Bleeding from nose, mouth, rectum, coughing up blood, or blood in urine.
- Inability to urinate or pass feces (stool), or obvious pain associated with urinating or passing stool.
- Injuries to your pet’s eye(s).
- You suspect or know your pet has eaten something poisonous (such as panadol, xylitol artificial sweetener, chocolate, rat bait, snail bait, grapes, onions, lillies, cycad or brunsfelsia plants etc.).
- Seizures and/or staggering.
- Fractured bones, severe lameness or inability to move their leg(s).
- Obvious signs of pain or extreme anxiety.
- Heat stress or heatstroke.
- Severe vomiting or diarrhea – more than 2 episodes in a 24-hour period, or either of these combined with obvious illness or any of the other problems listed here.
- Refusal to drink for 24 hours or more.
- Unconsciousness.
- Bloat – especially in large deep-chested dogs such as Rottweilers, Dobermans, Great Danes, Pointers, Greyhounds, German Shepherds, Weimeraners etc.
- Difficulty giving birth – if she has been straining for over 20 minutes without delivery, or greater than 2 hours between deliveries, green vulval discharge or there is greater than 10 minutes of vaginal bleeding.
- Snake bite.
- Tick paralysis.
- Toad toxicity – especially if your pet is having muscle spasms or seizures.
- Electrocution (often from chewing power cords).
- Trauma from high rise falls or road traffic accidents.